
General Information

Full Name Fu-An Chao
Languages Mandarin, English

Work Experience

  • 2022 - now
    Associate Research Engineer
    Research Center for Psychological and Educational Testing (RCPET), NTNU
    • Working on CALL research including:
      • 1. Automatic pronunciation assessment (APA)
      • 2. Mispronunciation detection and diagnosis (MDD)
  • Involving in projects of:
    • Automatic pronunciation scoring system (TEEMI platform)
    • Automatic word difficulty estimates
    • Automatic literacy estimates


Honors and Awards

  • 2021
    MOST Student Conference Travel Grant - ICME 2021
    Ministry of Science and Technology @ Taipei, Taiwan
  • 2021
    Merry Electro Acoustic Thesis Award - Top 12 Finalist
    Merry Electronics CO. LTD. @ Taichung, Taiwan
  • 2021
    Academic Excellence Award - Spring '21
    College of Science @ NTNU
  • 2019-2021
    Excellent Master Award - Fall '19, Spring '20, Fall '20, Spring '21
    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering @ NTNU

Other Interests

  • Sports: basketball, biking, hiking.
  • Hobbies: traveling, movies, indie music, arts.